Business Process Optimization

CIPPlanner’s Business Process Optimization service focuses on standardizing and improving our customers’ Capital Improvement Program Management (CIPM) processes and integrating the CIPAce™ technology into such processes. Unlike many other software in the marketplace, our approach is not requiring our customers to change their processes to fit our software but rather tailoring our application systems to customers’ business needs and processes. Through close and collaborative partnership with our customers, our Business Process Optimization effort typically starts with a thorough analysis of the existing business processes, and formulates improved processes and recommended solutions per industry best practices with the objective of achieving the most cost-effective outcomes.

Summarized below are the main activities of the Business Process Optimization process:

Identifying gaps and inefficiencies through reassessment of all processes and workflows to be automated.
Mapping work activities to the anticipated participants to clarify responsibilities and identify stress points.
Mapping interrelated processes across organizational work units and supporting systems to determine the broadest impact of all proposed process changes or standardization.
Applying “best practices” workflow templates to capitalize on CIPPlanner’s past success in planning and implementing similar process changes or standardization.
Defining reports that can be used to track, monitor, and analyze key performance measurements.
Testing new processes and role definitions to ensure a successful deployment in real-world scenarios.
Standardized processes, workflows, activity descriptions, and performance measurements based on consensus reached with participants of the process optimization effort.
Role definitions, skill requirements, and training plans to facilitate the proposed changes in an effective and seamless fashion.
A comprehensive plan that maps out all processes to be automated within a CIPAce™ application system.

Business process optimization is a critical service for an organization to maximize the benefits to be delivered by a CIPAce™ application system. Customers taking advantage of this service often find improved efficiency on their CIPM processes and greater return of investment upon the deployment of their CIPAce™ application system.

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